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Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected Vehicles
This briefing document concisely conveys the key findings of NCHRP Research Report 845: Advancing Automated and Connected Vehicles: Policy and Planning Strategies for State and Local Transportation Agencies. NCHRP Research Report 845 assesses policy and planning strategies at the state, regional, and local levels that could influence private-sector automated vehicle (AV) and connected vehicle (CV) choices to positively affect societal goals. The researchers identified and described mismatches between potential societal impacts and factors that influence private-sector decisions on CV and AV technologies. Policy and planning actions that might better align these interests were then identified. Researchers and the project oversight panel identified the promising actions and then conducted in-depth evaluations of the feasibility, applicability, and impacts of 18 strategies.
Key findings
Policy strategies to mitigate safety risks include enacting legislation to legalize and stimulate AV testing, modify driver training standards and curricula.
Policy strategies to encourage shared AV use include subsidizing shared AV (SAV) use, implementing transit benefits for SAVs, implementing a parking cash-out strategy, implementing location-efficient mortgages, implementing land use policies and parking requirements, and applying road use pricing.
Policy strategies to influence market demand include subsidizing connected vehicles (CVs), investing in CV infrastructure, granting AVs and CVs priority access to dedicated lanes, granting signal priority to CVs, granting parking access to AVs and CVs, and implementing new contractural mechanisms with Private-sector providers.
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