Urban Design
From street design to sense of place, urban design is changing as transportation and commerce evolve.

Photo by Drew Murphy on Unsplash
Metropolitan Footprint
When proximity to workplaces or goods and services is no longer necessary, what happens to already sprawling urban footprints?
Metropolitan Footprint
Coming soon
Street Design
As new transportation modes emerge and demands for street space increase, how can the needs of all modes be met?
Street Design
Coming soon
Sense of Place
When new technologies allow people to live, work, and shop anywhere, what happens to the identity of places?
Sense of Place
Coming soon
Parking & Urban Form
How will the reduced need for parking caused by the proliferation of new mobility technologies impact urban form?
Parking & Urban Form
Coming soon
How and where will AVs and new mobility increase or decrease development density?
Coming soon
See something that should be here that isn't? Have a suggestion to make?