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Scooters in an unjust city: There's a war in our streets, and we don't even know it
The immense mobility needs in black and brown neighborhoods are the result of systematic, significant and sustained disinvestment. Here's what the mayor can do to reverse the damage.
Key findings
The Equiticity Racial Equity Movement recommends for our mayor policies and tactics designed to establish our city as a global model for operationalizing racial equity and creating a new mobility system that is transformative, safe and secure for black and brown people.
Policy Recommendations: Formally adopt Equiticity’s Racial Equity Statement of Principle and The Untokening 1.0 - Principles of Mobility Justice.
Policy Recommendation: Mandate all companies and organizations operating on the public way or that have a contractual relationship with the city of Chicago to publicly adopt specific, internal racial equity policies and practices, which are evaluated based upon achieving predetermined racial equity outcomes.
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