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Futuristic technologies improving roadways now
Occasionally, change occurs so rapidly it seems the world is spinning faster than ever. Technology changes occurring in roadways and bridges today are amazing, to say the least. Motorists will soon experience roadway technology never imagined in the past. The transportation sector is definitely a change leader in the U.S.
Key findings
Occasionally, change occurs so rapidly it seems the world is spinning faster than ever. Technology changes occurring in roadways and bridges today are amazing, to say the least. Motorists will soon experience roadway technology never imagined in the past. The transportation sector is definitely a change leader in the U.S.
The city of Phoenix now determines roadway needs and prioritizes street repair by using a specialized vehicle that relies on infrared and radar to identify cracks and roadways in need of repair. The van that tests and records these issues is equipped with sophisticated technology, including lasers and infrared cameras that scan the street, record abnormalities, and send the data to the city’s management system.
Traffic incidents have been reduced by 30% on the Indiana Toll Road because of an’ intelligent transportation system’. The toll road has fiber-optic technology in place that monitors road and bridge temperatures, ice hazards, friction resistance, and interchange problems.
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