New Mobility and Public Transit: Keys to the Kind of Cities We Want
Carshare, bikeshare, rideshare and other forms of new mobility promised a transformation in urban transportation. But the actual record is mixed, with ride-hail companies like Uber and Lyft adding to traffic congestion and drawing public transit riders. Impacts could easily by magnified if autonomous vehicles accelerate the growth of ride-hail trips. Cities need guide development of these new services based on a clear vision of how they fit in cities and complement high-capacity public transit. This vision should be driven by what kind of city we want to live in, addressing not just mobility but also core values related to opportunity and inequality in jobs, housing and transportation. Bruce Schaller will discuss what key takeways from his research on Uber and Lyft, the big picture about wages, productivity and housing affordability, and what it means for public transit and new mobility.