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Mobility Equity Framework: How to make transportation work for people

This framework offers planners and community advocates a step-by-step guide to a more community-centered transportation planning process that focuses on the mobility needs of communities and puts affected communities at the center of decision-making. Offers a process for how to prioritize transportation modes/mobility options that are the most equitable and sustainable.
Key findings
A combination of mobility indicators and input from members of low-income and colored communities, we can prioritize transportation modes that will bring the most economic and and health benefits.
Implementing the Mobility Equity Framework with an adapted participatory budgeting process will require significant time and resources and doing this effectively requires dedicated funding.
Racial equity toolkits identify goals and measurable outcomes, engage communities in decision making processes, determine who benefits and who is burdened by decisions, create strategies to advance racial equity, and establish processes to implement and assess outcomes.
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