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Envisioning Florida's Future: Transportation and Land Use in an Automated Vehicle World
The main objective of this research project is to provide FDOT with information and guidance on how best to begin to prepare for a future in which AV technology first takes root and then takes over the market. The FSU Research Team is investigating the potential impacts of widespread adoption of AV technology on the transportation network and urban form for four key land use and transportation nodes that are vital to the welfare of the State of Florida: Downtown, Office/Medical/University Center, Urban Arterial, and Transit Neighborhood. To accomplish this, the FSU Research Team engaged one-hundred planners, engineers, industry professionals, and public officials in a facilitated visioning session at the 2015 Florida Automated Vehicle Summit (FAV Summit). During this session the research team gathered input on how AVs will impact our communities and how the built environment will need to adapt to accommodate AVs in the coming decades.
Key findings
It is believed that autonomous vehicles will be the next great transformation in our transportation system.
Autonomous vehicles opens the door for smaller, more efficient right-of-ways.
With the ability for parking to get pushed out of the inner city, space will be freed up for redevelopment opportunities.
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