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Autonomous Vehicles: A Guide For Cities

While autonomous vehicles are still experimental and nascent in many corners of the U.S., the same kind of unguided tectonic shift seen with the introduction of the automobile nearly a century ago is possible. Autonomous Vehicles: A Guidebook for Cities was created in response to cities seeking to manage and influence autonomous vehicle (AV) pilots and deployments happening on their streets, as well as cities trying to prepare for these pilots. The Guidebook offers considerations, tools, and examples of various ways to manage effectively autonomous vehicle deployments.
Key findings
Cities need to align their motivations/goals with the technology state of readiness and pilot design.
Community engagement needs to start early and needs to meet the community where they are at (both in terms of knowledge and in terms of locations).
Cities have a number of tools and levers at their disposal to help shape AV pilots and deployment.
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