The Future of the Curb
1.5 CM / LU Pending
With the rise of ride hailing, micro-transit and private shuttles—and eventually autonomous vehicles—the curb is growing in relevance and becoming a highly desirable piece of the right of way. How can the curb work for multiple users while simultaneously achieving efficiency and safety? Curbs are a city’s most valuable real estate. Cities are recognizing the value of their curbsides, rethinking them as flexible zones with room for transit, deliveries, passenger pickups, and storm- water capture – as well as parking. In this session, participants and audience members will hear from cities and the private sector that are capturing more value out of their curbs, keeping travel lanes moving, and more efficiently using street space to meet city goals. With new approaches to curbside management including deliveries, loading zones, drop-off points, and shifted timetables, cities are getting ahead of the increasing demand for deliveries and shared mobility services.