Urbanism Next
University of OregonUniversity of Oregon

Strategic Communications and Emerging Technologies

March 7, 2018 9:20 AM
9:40 am

As emerging technologies disrupt how we live, move, and conduct business in cities, professionals will need to effectively and strategically communicate how these changes impact cities and what cities can do about it while engaging their audiences. This session will provide a high-level foundational “how-to” session for agencies and organizations who need to effectively communicate and frame this topic with key audiences.

Donna Davis, PhD
Assistant Professor and Director of the Strategic Communicatio MA Program
University of Oregon School of Journalism


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Thank you to our partners

Urban Land Institute Northwest 2018
ASLA Oregon 2018
Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association 2018
American Planning Association 2018
AIA Portland 2018
Regional & Urban Design: An AIA Knowledge Community 2018

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