Micromobility and Transit Service Delivery Opportunities in the Underserved Edges
3 CM / LU Pending
For residents living in the lower-density edges of urban areas, the lack of frequent and reliable mobility creates a barrier to economic opportunity and freedom of choice. Lower-income residents are locating in cities' edges where housing is more affordable, but transportation options are limited. Non-standard work and lifestyle schedules place more challenges on lower income residents whose travel needs do not match the orientation of fixed route transit for rush hour trips to downtown. This session will consider ways to meet the needs of these areas more effectively though emerging mobility services, innovative technologies, and new institutional arrangements. This session will appraise ways that agencies are providing disadvantaged users access to dockless vehicles, trip planning, payment platforms, and multimodal network integration. Panelists will explore the efficacy of these efforts, if they are in the right direction, and if there is more we could be doing to create more equitable outcomes.