Urbanism Next
University of OregonUniversity of Oregon

Land Valuation Impacts

March 6, 2018 1:30 PM
5:30 pm

3 CM / LU

Pending Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology will radically impact land valuation and subsequently, site development potential. In this workshop, we’ll work in teams to test our current assumptions about impacts and outcomes, and hope to discover new concepts. This near real-time modeling approach will allow the groups to compare initial beliefs about AV impacts to modeled outcomes for several geographies including site/neighborhood, city, and regional scales. Spatial decisions, design considerations and policy changes can be applied to impact the pace of change and the eventual results. Through this series of exercises, we hope to deepen our thinking on the interrelated data and behaviors that will result in specific land use valuation shifts in our cities. This in turn will dramatically change the development approach and characteristics of our cities. Attendees should come prepared to challenge preconceived notions regarding historical planning and development “standards”—most of which have been established around the idea of humans clumsily navigating large cars across the spectrum of development scales. Novel and non-linear thinkers are encouraged to provide their input and help us determine the physical and economic impacts that are surely coming to a city near you.

Jason Sudy
National Lead
Transportation Technology Planning, HDR
Rick Stein
AICP, Principal & Owner
Urban Decision Group and Urban Mobility Research Center
Justin Robbins
AICP, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Planner

Thank you to our partners

Urban Land Institute Northwest 2018
ASLA Oregon 2018
Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association 2018
American Planning Association 2018
AIA Portland 2018
Regional & Urban Design: An AIA Knowledge Community 2018

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