Friends or Foes? AV, Bicyclists, and Pedestrians: What Do We Need to Know, and How Will We Learn It?
3 CM/LU Pending
This workshop will cover what is known about the myriad ways that automated vehicles (AV) may impact the safety, equity, mobility, health, and right to the city of bicyclists and pedestrians (e.g., Sandt & Owens, 2017; Owens, et al., 2017). Following the overview, workshop participants will brainstorm research gaps and work together in small groups to flesh out research ideas. Participants will develop a clear problem statement and methodology, and brainstorm about potential funding sources and partners for the work. They will leave the workshop with a clearer understanding of how AVs may impact pedestrians and bicyclists, concrete ideas about how to further investigate these potential issues, and relationships with future collaborators to ensure that pedestrians and bicyclists are considered at every level as AVs become more commonplace.