We are pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual Urbanism Next Conference will be held May 13-15, 2020 in Portland, OR. Over 600 planners, architects, landscape architects, developers, technology experts, elected officials, academics, and many others are expected to attend the conference. We’re excited to partner with NUMO, the National and Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association, the National and Northwest Chapter of the Urban Land Institute, the American Institute of Architects Oregon, and the Oregon Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.
This year, we will focus on the ways that new mobility, mobility as a service, e-commerce and urban delivery, and autonomous vehicles impact land use, urban design, building design, transportation, and real estate. How will these changes impact equity, health and safety, the economy, and the environment? How should governments respond? What additional education, outreach, and research is needed to understand these changes and respond to them?
We want YOU to help shape the agenda. We invite you to submit a proposal for a session or workshop. Click here for full proposal details. Proposals are due Thursday, December 5, 2019 (11:59pm PST).
We look forward to reviewing your proposals and hope to see you in Portland May 13-15, 2020!