Site Visits

Join us for our site-visit cycling tours! We will have four different tours throughout the opening day of the Conference— 9 October.
All tours will be meeting and departing from the Conference venue, The Grand Hotel Anantara Krasnapolsky (Opal-I). You can find the scheduled length, meeting points, and a description of each tour below.
If you have not registered for one (or more!) of these site visits, registration is still open!
Max. 20 participants per site visit.

9:15 A.M. - 11:15 a.m. (9 OCTOBER)
Future-Proofing Amsterdam I:
Bike Parking at Amsterdam Central Station
In 2023 two new bike parking facilities have openend to the south and north of Amsterdam Central Station. Both are built underwater. Together they hold 10,000 bikes. We start the tour at the Stationsplein underwater bike parking for 6,300 bikes and 700 shared bikes (OV-fiets) and walk to the IJboulevard bike parking which can holds 4,000 bikes and has created new public space. This is part of a master plan to create seamless transit connections while improving the public realm and restoring the urban fabric. How does Amsterdam do it? Who is in the lead? Who pays? And why is Amsterdam spending this much money on bike infrastructure?
Join us for a unique walk & talk with the experts behind this highly sensitive and site-specific project.

9:15 A.M. - 11:15 a.m. (9 OCTOBER)
Future-proofing Amsterdam II:
Zuidasdok and Station Zuid Transit Hub
To support the growing Central Business District, as well as new residential development and the largest university campus in the Netherlands, a new transit hub is being built. This is the largest infrastructure project underway, docking a major highway and expanding the multimodal node, which is the fastest growing station in the Netherlands. On display at the Information Centre is a large-scale model of the Zuidas project area and a second model that tells the story of Zuidasdok, the docking of the highway. Learn about the history of the project, the parties involved and details of the project. How do you construct new tunnels, add platforms, built even more bike underground bike parking facilities, and lower a highway while maintaining operations and ensuring the customer experience?
Join us for an interactive presentation on site and appreciate the scale and complexity of this mega-project.
Meeting Point: Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Dam 9, 1012 JS Amsterdam

12:30 P.M. - 1:45 P.m. (9 OCTOBER)
Do you want to experience Dutch culture first-hand? Then jump on a (bi)cycle with us! We invite you for a Dutch cycle tour throughout Amsterdam where you will experience travelling in an urban fabric which favours humans above cars. During the tour we will stop at various locations and discuss experiences from the group as well as add context on historical, political and policy related developments.
The study tour is an initiative by the Dutch Cycling Embassy, and you will be guided by the finest experts from the Netherland’s own cycling sector. We are looking forward to the ride!
Meeting Point: Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Dam 9, 1012 JS Amsterdam
Tour Contact: Chris Bruntlett, International Relations Manager, Dutch Cycling Embassy
Travel from Hotel: We will walk from the hotel to the bike rental shop and begin the tour from there

1:45 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. (9 OCTOBER)
Future-Proofing Amsterdam III:
Historic Bridges & Canals Restoration
One of the biggest challenges cities around the world faces is outdated infrastructure. Restoring and future-proofing Amsterdam’s historic bridges and canals is a huge undertaking that will take many years to complete. Through detailed phasing, inventive solutions, and innovative techniques the disruption to daily life is minimized. Who are the stakeholders and how does Amsterdam go about engaging them during the planning and implementation? How is Amsterdam balancing competing and sometimes conflicting interests? What can other cities learn from the way Amsterdam is adapting to climate change, while becoming more sustainable and resilient?
Join us for a unique walk & talk with the experts behind this highly sensitive and site-specific project.
Meeting Point: Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Dam 9, 1012 JS Amsterdam
Arcadis is a lead consultant of the City of Amsterdam on the project.
Join us for our walking and cycling tours!
We will have four tours offered throughout the day on Wednesday, October 9th.
Future-Proofing Amsterdam I:
Bike Parking Facilities at Amsterdam Central Station
Future-Proofing Amsterdam II:
Zuidasdok and Station Zuid Transit Hub
Future-Proofing Amsterdam III:
Historic Bridges & Canals Restoration
Cycling Tours:
The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality