Call for Posters
Call for Posters
Deadline extended to Friday, January 22, 2021
We are inviting leaders and practitioners from around the country and around the world to join us online for the 4th Annual Urbanism Next Virtual Forum March 17-19, 2021. This year’s event will further explore our theme: Building A Better Tomorrow. During our event, we will focus on the Urbanism Next Framework (see below) and the major themes of new mobility technologies, the shift to mobility as a service, the continued growth of e-commerce and urban delivery, and the anticipated deployment of autonomous vehicles, as well as consider how the Covid-19 pandemic is changing how people and goods move.

Questions to consider as you frame your poster proposal
- How is the Covid-19 pandemic impacting new mobility, e-commerce and urban delivery, and the testing or deployment of autonomous vehicles in your community? What are communities doing to respond?
- How have the confluence of events (pandemic, protests around racial inequities and police brutality, climate change related events, the elections) in 2020 changed your thinking about these technologies and the opportunities and challenges they present? How do we build a better tomorrow?
- How are these emerging technologies (the forces of change) impacting land use, urban design, building design, transportation, and real estate?
- Why do these changes matter? Specifically, what are the implications for equity, health and safety, the economy, and the environment?
- How can these emerging technologies be harnessed to address climate change issues and reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
- How can cities and community leaders address the challenges associated with these emerging technologies and take advantage of the opportunities they present?
- How should cities and buildings be redesigned in light of these changes?
- How should the public and private sectors engage communities about the changes that are happening and what should they do about it?
- What additional research is needed?
Proposals should address issues that planners, urban designers, architects, landscape architects, developers, and decision makers are grappling with and/or will grapple with in the future. There is no limit on the number of posters that can be submitted.
Questions? Contact Urbanism Next Program Director Becky Steckler, AICP / 503.889.6536.